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5 ways to speed up your WordPress website

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Optimizing a WordPress site can be a time-consuming process that entails improving overall performance over a number of optimization cycles. Trying to find everything you need in one place can be difficult at times. 

WordPress speed optimization should be a top priority during a technical audit. Users are quick to abandon pages with slow page loading times, but you can use a variety of online tools to gain detailed insights into your website’s speed performance. Whether you’re new to WordPress or a seasoned developer, we guarantee you’ll find something useful in this guide!

The first thing to look for is the issues that are slowing down your site. It could be due to faulty plugins, external scripts such as heavy advertisements, page size, WordPress configuration, or incorrectly configured web hosting. WordPress speed test is a website speed test that can tell you if your site loads quickly. It may appear that your site is loading quickly on your phone because modem browsers, such as Chrome, store your website in their cache so that it can open and function properly. However, this cannot be said for a first-time user. So, check how the site appears to a new user to get a good idea of how fast your site is through that test.

So, once you’ve discovered the problem areas, you can look for ways to speed up your site. Here are five methods for increasing the speed of your WordPress website:

  • Install a good caching plugin.

Using a cache plugin is one of the most popular ways to improve the speed of your site. A caching plugin will save the most recent version of your site for future visitors. This means that your WordPress won’t have to generate it for every subsequent visit to the site. 

  • Look for inactive plugins or those that do not work properly.

Another way to speed up your WordPress site is to check if your current plugins are functioning properly. Plugins and tools can occasionally cause lag in your website, making it take longer to load. Additionally, having a large number of active plugins will slow down your WordPress site.

  • Media files should be compressed.

Large images and videos will significantly slow down your WordPress site. Smaller files allow your pages to load faster, and compressed media files are helpful for WordPress speed optimization.

  • Reduce the size of your WordPress site.

The smaller the size of your website, the faster it will load. Because of the reduction in bandwidth, a website that has been compressed loads faster. It will assist you in receiving a high-performance grade on website testing tools as well as speeding up your WordPress site.

  • Update your website on a daily basis to improve its performance.

Optimizing your homepage is another thing you can do to speed up your WordPress site. Displaying too many posts on the same page could cause a longer loading time as well. Always keep your WordPress up to date whether it’s plugins or content. 

These are some of the solutions you can try and put into practice to speed up your WordPress site. Don’t be afraid to experiment with these methods. Remember to test your website’s speed before and after you implement these practices. You’ll be surprised at how much better your WordPress performance will improve as a result of these changes.